"Restoring the past the building the future! Use of crushed brick-lime mortars."

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A University of Cyprus professzornák nyilvános előadása az Építőanyagok és Mérnökgeológia Tanszéken.

Prof. Ioannis Ioannou előadásának címe: "Restoring the past the building the future! Use of crushed brick-lime mortars."

Abstract: This presentation focuses on the use of finely crushed ceramic, as artificial pozzolana, in the production of composite building materials, and in particular lime mortars. It reports on the very first intentional use of crushed brick in lime mortar production, which dates back to the Late Bronze Age. It also covers ongoing efforts in the laboratory to reproduce crushed brick-lime mortars for restoration purposes and it highlights the factors affecting the performance of these mortars. Last but not least, it gives an insight to the potential use of crushed brick in optimized nano-modified lime mortars for contemporary uses.

Helyszín: K. épület  f 88

Időpont: 2014.04.07 (hétfő) 18.00